What is Club TransCard?

Club TransCard is a loyalty program for transporters and private drivers. It is an exclusive system that rewards drivers for refueling at OnTurtle network service stations.

Who can join Club TransCard?

Anyone who refuels at our OnTurtle service stations, as well as at stations affiliated with the OnTurtle Network. Also, if you are already an OnTurtle customer and have a DieselCard, you can apply to become a member of Club TransCard.

How can I join?

To obtain your loyalty card, you only need to sign up for Club TransCard through the form available at transcard.es. Upon completing your registration, you will receive your card free of charge, in a digital format.

How can I accumulate points?

Points are earned when you refuel at affiliated service stations by identifying yourself as a TransCard member and/or using OnTurtle payment cards.

  • Trucks: 1 liter of fuel = 1 TraC.
  • Light trucks, vans, cars, motorcycles, RVs, etc.: 1 liter of fuel = 4 TraCs.

Is there a minimum amount of fuel needed to start earning TraCs?

No, there is no minimum amount of fuel required. Each time you refuel, you will earn TraCs, regardless of the quantity.

Where can I check my accumulated TraCs?

You can check your TraCs balance at any time by logging into your account at transcard.es. You will also receive regular updates with news and exclusive promotions for Club TransCard members.

How can I redeem my points?

Points can be redeemed through the TransCard platform for gifts from the available catalog. Only TraCs that have been accumulated and not expired can be used for redeeming rewards, which can be picked up at our Jonquera and Mercabarna service stations or sent by email in the case of digital gifts.

How long are TraCs valid?

How long are TraCs valid?

Can I transfer my TraCs to another account?

No, accumulated TraCs cannot be transferred to another account.

How can I change my password or recover access to my account?

How can I change my password or recover access to my account?

How can I cancel my membership?

To cancel your membership, you must send an email to _______________ from the email address registered in the program requesting cancel your membership. Upon doing so, you will lose all accumulated TraCs.

What should I do if I change vehicles and need to update my registered license plate?

You should notify us via email at _______________ so that our Customer Service team can update your registered license plate with the new one.

What should I do if I experience issues with my account or redeeming TraCs?

You can contact Club TransCard's Customer Service via email at transcard@incentiva.es or by calling 917 991 908 during business hours.

I was already registered with Club TransCard. How can I access my account?

If you were already registered, you may have received an email inviting you to log into the new Club TransCard. If you haven't received it, please contact us through the contact form.

Is there any registration or monthly fee for Club TransCard?

No, membership is completely free. There is no registration fee or monthly charge to enjoy the benefits of being a Club TransCard member. You can also cancel your membership at any time if you wish.

What can I get with my TraCs?

You can redeem your TraCs for amazing gifts from the exclusive catalog we have prepared for you. The gifts are quite diverse, from digital gift cards for your favorite stores to items specifically designed for your vehicle.

I don’t have enough TraCs to redeem the gift I want. Can I pay the difference with a card/cash?

No, gifts from the catalog cannot be exchanged for cash, either in full or in part. They can only be redeemed using the TraCs you have available.

How can I access the Transcard Club?

We will notify you soon about the launch of the new Transcard Club. An email will be sent to the address you registered with, containing your access credentials.

We are preparing a new website with a lot of exciting features, where you will be able to:

  • Check your TraCs
  • View the gift catalog
  • Redeem your TraCs for gifts at any time
  • Stay updated on Club news